France is under pressure for a blackout this winter due to corrosion problems and maintenance problems disrupted by the Covid-19 pandemic, as several French media report today, due to corrosion problems which will stop working three nuclear units, Cattenom 3, Chinon 3, and Bugey 4. Normally this is for routine control in the nuclear park, as mentioned EDF French company for production, and supply of electricity. Le FIGARO provided a title, Corrosion: EDF will shut down three nuclear reactors for checks, Le Parisien preferred to give as a title, EDF will shut down three nuclear reactors due to checks on corrosion problems, On the other hand, Les Echos Patrimoine has retained the title, EDF: nuclear production falls to its 1991 level, three new reactors shut down, without signs of corrosion problems.
Corrosion problems
Corrosion of nuclear metallic materials
- Stress corrosion cracking (SCC).
- Irradiation-assisted stress corrosion cracking (IASCC).
- Environmentally assisted cracking (EAC).
- Intergranular attack (IGA).
- Flow-assisted corrosion (FAC).
- General corrosion (GC).
- Ammonia corrosion (AC).
- Microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC).
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